If your license or privilege to drive is suspended or revoked, then you cannot drive a motor vehicle or any other “self-propelled machinery or equipment” on a highway. Your license or privilege to drive in the state of Virginia can be suspended or revoked by a Judge or by DMV. Suspensions take place for multiple reasons. Most license suspensions occur because of a traffic conviction or DUI, and they can last for days, weeks, months, or years. In addition, what many do not realize is that often if a Judge or the DMV issues a licenses suspension and your license was already suspended, then that second suspension period will not begin until your first suspension period has ended and your license has been fully reinstated.
If you are ticketed for Driving on a Suspended License, you may be required to appear in court when your case is heard. That is because, many times, Driving on Suspended License charges are placed on the criminal docket. In Virginia, Driving on a Suspended License is a Class 1 misdemeanor with a maximum statutory penalty of a fine of up to $2,500.00 and/or a jail sentence of up to 12 months. In addition, if you are convicted of Driving on a Suspended License, you face the likelihood of the judge suspending your license for an even longer period. If you have been previously convicted of Driving without a License or if there are other aggravating factors in your case, such as a bad driving record or bad driving at the time of the arrest/summons, then it is likely that the Judge will impose at least some jail time.
If you are not licensed, and you are caught driving a motor vehicle on a highway, then you may be convicted of Driving without a License. A charge of Driving without a License is often a lesser charge, but it has similar penalties. If you are convicted of Driving without a License, and it is your first time being convicted, then the conviction is a Class 2 misdemeanor, which has a maximum statutory penalty of up to $1,000 fine and/or sixth months in jail. If you are convicted of this charge and you have already been convicted of Driving without a License two times or more in the past, then it is a Class 1 misdemeanor, and the Judge can suspend your privilege to drive for up to 90 days.
Call our office for representation. We handle Driving on Suspended License and Driving without a License cases in Dinwiddie County. We can advise you of the steps you need to take before your court hearing and present evidence in court to get you the best result. Also, keep in mind that many people charged with Driving on a Suspended License or Driving without a License are required to come to court. So, talk with our office to see if you fall into that category.